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As a dance and theater choreographer, my choreographic style spans many genres including musical theater, jazz, ballet, modern, and more. A variety of these genres are presented to showcase both my musical theatre and concert dance choreography. 

"Cop Song" from the musical, Urinetown

The College at Brockport, State University of New York

"Romantic Atmosphere" from the musical, She Loves Me

Campbellsville Unviersity 

"Mr. Cladwell" from the musical, Urinetown

The College at Brockport, State University of New York

"Object of Affection" has dual significances. The first way to view this work is from the perspective of the male gaze upon the female body. The second is from the perspective of a young male yearning to embody his effeminate persona. This piece is a section from a larger work, Challenging Convention: Spectrum.

"Interstellar" is inspired by momentum, energy, and the expansion after the big bang. The choreography was devised through an exploration of Laban's Effort Qualities and created for beginning dance and theater students.

"Love who you Love" is a series of vignettes that honors different types of love including heteronormative, homosexual, romantic, plutonic, asexual, and friend relationships. This excerpt is part of a larger work titled, Challenging Convention: Spectrum.

"Tradewinds" is a duet that embodies the crosswinds of life including love, loss, and finding the ability to carry on. 

"12 Days to Christmas" from She Loves Me

Campbellsville University

Choreography and blocking by Kristin Dowdy 

"Secrets" from The Addams Family

Campbellsville University

Kristin Dowdy, MFA
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